10 Amazing Facts about Google Most People don't know

Nov 11, 2017 11137 Simran amazing facts about google

Here is the list of Top 10 facts about Google that you need to know. The tech giant "Google" always do things differently and it works to keep technical things fresh and consistently progressive. Google has various kind of products like Google Map, Photos, Adsense etc.

Amazing Google facts that you may not know before!

  1. How many lines of code in google

    If you want to know how many lines of code any social site or operating system has: Just type:

    How many lines of code in google.

    amazing facts google

    you can do same for facebook, windows operating systems and more:

    amazing facts google amazing facts google
  2. Speak to the world with google

    The Google Translate is application which suports more than 120 languages. The app is available for both android as well IOS version. It can translate over  37 languages using photos, 32 using voice in conversation mode, and 27 using real-time video in "augmented reality mode".

    amazing facts google
  3. It takes care of the employee's family even after their death

    Google take care its employee's families. No doubt Google is only one company to pay higher to its employee's and give $1000 amount of money to his family after Google employee dead upto 10 years.

  4. Play music with Google

    Ever thought of playing music just by simple voice commands or listen to different varieties of musical instruments or musicians, try MixLab by Google Voice Experiments.It can play music just by simple voice commands like 'Play some jazzy high bass drums' or 'Play something for me'.It plays the real instrumental music by real musicians and using software like dialog flow.Try it with Google Home. amazing facts about google Happy Music playing.

  5. Make 3d Gaphs

    If you want to draw a 3D like graph with just simple queries on google:
    try these ones:

    You can try more:

  6. Google Domain name 

    Google’s Domain name “google.com” was on ce bought by an ex-googler “Sanmay Ved” for $12 in 2015.Later google had to pay an amount of $12,012 (at present a small amount for this tech giant).This happened when Google, by mistake , put its domain name on sale and this person searched ‘google.com’ in Google Domain Interface.Guess what, it was showing it as Available. After getting domain name transferred to his name, Google Security Team contacted him and gave him a reward.But that person decided to donate this amount to charity.After listening to his idea, Google doubled the amount and then donated the whole amount to charity. google amazing facts

  7. Amazon Order Tracking-

    You can track your Amazon Order on Google just by following these easy steps: You can also track your Flipkart, Pepperfry and Snapdeal orders in the same way.


    1. You must have logged into your Amazon account using google.

    2. you must have placed an order with Amazon

    Type “Amazon tracking” into google search and press enter. You will see a picture of expected delivery date, the date on which order was placed and other details.

  8. Google Most useful word

    The American Dialect Society voted “google” the most useful word of the year for the year 2002 and as word of the decade for the year 2010. amazing facts about google

  9. Yoshka Google employee

    The first dog to have Google employee ID was named “Yoshka”, who belonged to a Senior Vice President. amazing facts about google

  10. Know Real-time Statistics of users

    You can check real-time statistics about numbers of users online and much more. Just google this: http://www.internetlivestats.com/ and here we go:

    amazing facts google amazing facts google

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