Managing your money by keeping a record of where you spending it, is the thing everyone is searching for. It is very hard and difficult to remember the day-to-day transactions and where you spend, how much you spend. Tracking the money spending can provide great relief and an idea of managing the overall expenses. Technology is advancing day by day and Expense Tracker App is the best AI example. It is an app that keeps a record of your expenditure by keeping its record on software. So, here we have curated the top 10 expense tracker apps for Android and iOS smartphonesthat just not manage your finances but also provide lots of features.
Lits of 10 best expense tracker apps for Android and iPhone/iPad
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1. Mint: Budget and Track bills
Mint is one of the best expense tracker apps that is developed by Intuit. With the help of this app, you can manage your financial goals with this app with a personalized and custom budget. You can also track the monthly bills, and also we can create budgets and grow savings. The Mint app is available for both android and ios platforms.
It is very convenient and easy to access this app.
It informs you about your expenditure through messages and emails.
The reports are easily customizable and digestible.
Get personalized insight.
Free Credit score available.
Rating:- 4.3
Downloads:- 10M+
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2. Goodbudget:Budget & Finance
![Good Budget](images/Mint-expense.jpg)
Goodbudget is another app for managing expenses(formerly EEBA, the Easy Envelope Budget Aid). It’s also a real-time tracker with easy functions to manage private bills and financial aims. It also provides different features to make the job easy.
It is based on real-time tracking.
It has easy functions to manage private bills and financial aims.
It offers you to practice conscious spending.
Different themes to select from.
Rating:- 4.3
Downloads:- 10L+
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3. Expensify:Expense Reports
Expensify is an all-in-one app for scan receipts, and personal expenses, and track business, and many more. It also provides unlimited receipt scanning and sends those receipts to your clients or friends. Some accounting apps likeXero, QuickBooks, Sage, and NetSuite Intacct are pre-installed. Overall if you want an app that have track your expense and generate receipts then this is the best Android expense tracker app for you.
Track receipts for tax and personal expenses.
Send expenses to anyone.
Collect receipts from your team of clients.
Rating:- 4.5
Downloads:- 10L+
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4. Personal capital:Retirement
![Personal Capital](images/Personal-Capital.jpg)
Personal capital is an investment and finance app that works as a full-time hired expense manager. This app has several features of presenting monthly expenses with flow charts to optimize the monthly expenses and it also plans the different financial packages for the user.
Track your investments, cryptocurrency, IRA, cash, checking, mortgage, and budget.
See all of your finances in one place.
You can know your net worth and income.
Rating:- 4.3
Downloads:- 5L+
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5. Sap concur
![SAP Concur](images/SAP-Concur.jpg)
Sap concur provides reimbursement for the user so that they can claim the expenses, invoices, and travel requests just by snapping a photo of their receipt. The features of this app are adjustable according to the customer to provide them with the best experience.Sap concuris freely available on the android and ios platforms.
You can keep track record of your expenses over trips, expenses, approvals, budgets, etc.
Search through the largest global travel network to book your trip.
You can book or change or cancel a reservation on the go.
Rating:- 4.3
Downloads:- 50L+
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6. Wally
An Android expense tracker that provides the day-to-day expenses for its users. It helps to track the bills and provides a great lot of functionality. It is very easy to use and adds different categories according to the customer. In short, Wally is easy and one of the best expense managers for beginner users.
You can select a category for your expense.
You can keep track of your bills and provides a great lot of functionality.
It is very easy to use and adds different categories according to the customer.
Rating:- 3.9
Downloads:- 10T+
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7. FreshBooks -Invoice+Accounting
FreshBooks provides several features with automated mileage tracking which supports the user for better faster payments. Featured with snap and categorize receipts for easy expense management. You can also make the payment by using this app and that makes it one of the best expense trackers with the brain.
The invoices are 25% faster in this app.
This app is specially featured for snaps.
It also categorizes receipts for easy expense management.
The payment module is integrated by default.
Rating:- 4.2
Downloads:- 5L+
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8. Marcus by Goldman Sachs
![Marcus Insight](images/Marcus.jpg)
Marcus Insight app is integrated and featured with the best features of Goldman Sach’s Clarity money app. Inbuilt with smart tools and advanced features to help you save, borrow, and invest. Also, users can grow money with this product through high-yield Online savings accounts, high-yield CDs, and no-penalty CDs. Marcus Insight app is available on both Android and ios platforms.
When it’s about getting all multi-tasking features at one place, this app is the best
It’s basically inbuilt with smart tools and advanced features to help you save, borrow, and invest.
It has high yielding online saving account.
Rating:- 4.5
Downloads:- 5L+
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9. YNAB (You Need A Budget)
Don’t get messy with your money this YNAB(You Need A Budget) provides easy management of expenses for users. YNAB app provides full transparency for the user over their money. It is a personal finance app that provides pays off more debt, gains total control of your money, grows your savings, and reaches your goals faster. YNAB is available on both android and ios.
It is mainly based on the theme ofpersonalizing your finances that provides pays off more debt, gains, etc.
There’s a learning curve to its unconventional approach.
This app mainly focuses on keeping your track sorted and managed.
Rating:– 4.6
Downloads:- 10L+
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10. QuickBooks Self-Employed
![QuickBooks Self-Employed](images/QuickBooks.jpg)
QuickBooks Self-Employed is one of the most popular apps for entrepreneurs for expense management. It is an in-one financial management app for users with easy and simple features that helps the user to prepare for their HMRC tax returns and refunds. Receipts can be saved easily to attach them with business expenses for expense tracking.
It focuses on income tax deductions and works by separating your business expenses.
It is very easy to access for a part-time, or full-time business.
It helps users to prepare for their HMRC tax returns and refunds.
Rating:- 3.7
Downloads:- 50L+
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