How Sound Can Help You Build A Brand Identity


Building a strong brand identity is crucial for any business looking to stand out in a crowded market. While visual elements like logos and color schemes are important, sound can also play a significant role in creating a lasting impression in the minds of consumers.

From advertising jingles to the atmosphere in physical locations, sound can be used to evoke emotions and create a unique brand experience.

We will explore how sound can be used to enhance a brand’s image and differentiate it from competitors. We will also discuss the use of sonic logos and how they can be used to create a strong association between a brand and a sound in the minds of consumers.

Get ready to discover the power of sound in building a brand identity.

Sound can be used to build a brand identity through the use of a sonic logo.

A sonic logo is a short, distinct sound or jingle that can be easily recognized and associated with a brand. These logos are similar to traditional visual logos, but instead of being seen, they are heard.

Sonic logos can be used in a variety of ways, such as in advertising, on websites, and in mobile apps. They can also be used in packaging and branding materials, similar to the toy company mentioned in the previous example.

Sonic logos can be extremely effective in creating a strong association between a brand and a sound in the minds of consumers. This can help to differentiate the brand from competitors and create a more memorable experience for the customer.

Sounds in Advertising

Using sound in advertising is a powerful way to create a lasting impression in the minds of consumers. A catchy jingle or slogan can stick in a consumer’s mind and become associated with the brand, making it easier for them to remember and recognize the brand in the future.

For example, the “I’m Lovin’ It” jingle used by McDonald’s is instantly recognizable and has become synonymous with the fast food chain. This jingle has been used in various forms of advertising, including television commercials, radio advertisements, and even in-store announcements, making it impossible for consumers to miss.

Similarly, the Intel “bong” sound, which was introduced in 1994, has become synonymous with the brand and is used in all their commercials. The sound creates a musical link between all of their ads, making Intel’s campaigns more memorable, and it becomes easier for consumers to associate the sound with the brand.

Sound in advertising can also be used to evoke emotions and create a certain mood or atmosphere.

For example, a car commercial might use a fast-paced, upbeat soundtrack to evoke feelings of excitement and adventure, while a commercial for a luxury hotel might use a soothing, relaxing soundtrack to evoke feelings of relaxation and luxury. This can help create a strong connection between the brand and the desired emotions in the minds of consumers.

In addition to jingles and sound effects, sound can be used in the form of voiceovers in advertising. The choice of voice and the tone of the voiceover can also play a big role in creating a certain image or atmosphere for the brand.

For example, a deep, authoritative voice might be used to create a sense of trustworthiness and reliability, while a friendly, upbeat voice might be used to create a sense of approachability and friendliness.

Sounds Create Atmosphere

Sound can be a powerful tool in creating a unique atmosphere in retail stores and other physical locations. By carefully selecting and controlling the sounds in a space, businesses can create a specific mood or atmosphere that aligns with their brand identity.

For example, a coffee shop can use the sound of a coffee grinder or the aroma of freshly brewed coffee to create a welcoming and cozy atmosphere. The sound of the coffee grinder can create a sense of activity and energy, while the aroma of freshly brewed coffee can create a sense of warmth and comfort.

This combination of sound and scent can help establish the brand as a place where people can relax and unwind, making it a more inviting and enjoyable space for customers.

Similarly, a clothing store might use calming music and soft lighting to create a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere. This can help customers feel more at ease and encourage them to spend more time in the store, potentially leading to more sales.

On the other hand, a gym could use upbeat music, sound effects of weightlifting, and the sound of people working out to create a high-energy atmosphere, which will inspire people to work out harder and longer.

Sound can be used to create a sense of exclusivity or luxury in certain types of stores. For example, a high-end jewelry store might use classical music and soft lighting to create a sense of elegance and refinement. This can help customers feel more special and encourage them to spend more money on luxury items.

Sound in Packaging and Branding Materials

Sound can be used in packaging and branding materials to create a unique and memorable brand experience.

For example, a toy company could include a sound chip in their packaging that plays a short jingle when the package is opened. This can create a sense of excitement and anticipation for the consumer, helping to make the brand more appealing and memorable.

A sound chip can be placed in various packaging materials such as boxes, bags, and even in the products themselves. This creates a unique experience for the consumer as they open the package and hear the sound, making the brand more memorable and engaging.

A company that sells collectible figurines could include a sound chip that plays a unique sound when the figurine is removed from the packaging. This can create a sense of excitement and anticipation for the consumer, as they hear the sound, they are excited to see the figurine.

Sound can be used in branding materials such as brochures and business cards. For example, a business card could include a sound chip that plays a short jingle or message when the card is opened. This can create a sense of excitement and can make the brand more memorable and engaging.

Using sound in packaging and branding materials can also help to differentiate a brand from its competitors. By creating a unique and memorable brand experience, a company can stand out and make a lasting impression on consumers.

Consistent Brand Experience Across Different Mediums

Sound can also be used to create a consistent brand experience across different mediums.

A company can use the same jingle in their commercials, on their website, and in their retail stores to create a cohesive brand identity. This can help consumers easily recognize the brand and create a strong association in their minds.

When a brand uses the same sound across different mediums, it creates a sense of consistency and cohesiveness. It helps to create a strong association between the brand and that sound in the minds of consumers.

If a consumer hears the same jingle in a commercial, on the company’s website, and in the store, they will instantly recognize the brand and associate it with that jingle. This helps to create a strong brand identity that is easy for consumers to recognize and remember.

Using the same sound across different mediums can help to create a sense of familiarity and comfort for the consumer. When they hear the same jingle or sound in different places, they will feel like they know the brand and will be more likely to trust it.

Using the same sound across different mediums can help to create a sense of continuity and consistency in the brand’s messaging. If a commercial uses a certain jingle, and the website and in-store audio use the same jingle, it helps to reinforce the message or theme of the commercial, making it more likely to stick in the consumer’s mind.


Sound can be a powerful tool in building a brand identity. Businesses should consider incorporating sound into their branding strategy to create a unique and engaging brand experience.

Whether it’s through advertising, physical locations, packaging and branding materials, or creating a consistent brand experience across different mediums, sound can be used to create a unique and memorable brand experience for consumers.