How to share your location in Google Maps | Real Time Location | Map Direction


With the launch of Google Maps in 2005, finding a place, its address, or getting home from a new place is not a problem anymore. To navigate a route, you just need to search for the address or drop a pin in the Google map and click on navigate button. Google Maps also offers real-time traffic, satellite imagery, 3D view of streets, route planning to help people navigate.

Now Google map becomes a location-sharing app as well through which you can help other people find you or find new places. You can share location in Google maps directly to your contacts, via message, via emails, or through apps. Moreover, you can broadcast your location by sharing a link to social media platforms or multiple contacts. Share Google map location through your Android or iPhone by following the given steps.

Related Article: Google Plus Codes - How to Use Plus Codes in Google maps

Share Your Real-Time location in Google Maps

  1. Firstly to share your live location, Open Google Maps App from the app drawer on your Android Smartphone or iPhone/iPad.
    google maps from app drawer

  2. On the top right-hand corner of the screen click on your profile photo.
    profile photo

  3. A tab will open with a list of options once you click on the profile icon. Now click on Location Sharing among all the options.
    location sharing

  4. Next, tap on Share location to share your live location in Google Maps.
    share location

  5. Select how long you are willing to share the location. Choose between ‘For 1 hour’ and ‘Until you turn this off.
    choose time

  6. Now, tap on the contact or contacts you want to share Google Map location with. If a contact is not listed you can choose an app from the list given at the bottom end of the app to share your real-time location.
    choose between contacts and apps

  7. Hit Share button to start sharing real-time location with your friends and family in Google maps.
    hit share to start sharing

  8. If you want to stop sharing your real-time location, then click on the Stop button.
    stop sharing location

Share A Particular Map Location Through Google Maps

  1. Open the Google Maps app on your Android phone or iPhone.
    google maps to share location in google maps

  2. In the search box, type the particular location you want to share. Or find the place on the map and tap and hold to pin the location.
    search for place in search box

  3. Once the place is found, tap on the place’s name or address which is at the bottom of your screen.
    tap name or address of the place

  4. The tab will enlarge and the option SHARE PLACE will be visible. Now click on that to share Google map location.
    share place

  5. Choose the contact you want to share your location with. You can also type the name, phone number, and email address of the person. Moreover, you can also select an app if you want to share location through it.
    choose between contacts and apps

  1. Open Google maps and follow the steps Profile icon>>Location sharing>>Share Location.

  2. Choose Copy to clipboard present at the bottom of the screen.
    copy to clipboard

  3. It will take you to the next screen with the person icon at the top right corner. Tap on it.
    person icon

  4. Select the Contacts you want to share the link with.
    choose contacts

  5. To broadcast your location, select the apps you want to share the unique URL with.
    choose apps

With this option, you will be able to email your link, share it on your Facebook newsfeed, etc.

Note: The above steps will also work on the iPhone/iPad devices. So if you have an iOS device then follow exactly the same steps to share your real-time location or direction map.