Google Assistant
Google Assistant - everything you need to know about it
tutorials May 20, 2018 ShreyaGoogle Assistant is a revolutionary technology which was once an unthinkable dream a decade ago. Find out what is it and how to make the most of it.
How To Turn off Google Assistant on Android Phone | Stop Hello Google
how-to Sept 08, 2020 YuktaDon't want to use Google's virtual assistant? Here is a simple guide on how to turn off Google Assistant on your Android phone and stop Hello Google.
How To Take A Screenshot Using Google Assistant
how-to March 26, 2021 ReeyaIn order to take a screenshot using Google assistant, first, you have to install Google assistant on your phone and then follow these steps to take the screenshot.
5 Best Siri Alternatives For Android That You Must Try In 2023
top-things Feb 03, 2023 AbhishekIf you are an Apple user tired of Siri and want to explore something new then you are at the right place. we have brought you the 5 best Siri alternatives.